Meet Patty Wiseman, Award Winning Author!


Patty Wiseman

Patty Wiseman

Hello Patty, it is such a pleasure to have you with us today. As you know, I completely enjoyed reading your books, and it was no surprise when you won a first place award for historical romance. We know you’re an author, but I’d like to share a little more about your interesting life with my readers. It will be fantastic to give people an opportunity to get to know you on a personal level, so let’s get started.

Have you always lived in Texas?

It’s a pleasure to be with you today, Cyndi! No, I grew up in Seattle, Washington, lived in Colby, Kansas for a spell, moved to Bartlesville, Oklahoma where I attended The Wesleyan College, married and had two children. I moved to Texas about 37 years ago and this will be my ‘forever’ home. Texas just suits me!

What is your fondest memory?

That’s an interesting question. Of course, nothing can compare to the birth days of my two sons. Nothing could ever shake those memories from the top of the list. But, if you are talking about my childhood, I’d have to say the summer camping/hiking trips with my dad. We back packed up and down Mt. Rainier. I don’t think I quite appreciated those experiences as a child, but once I became an adult, they became very special memories. There is nothing like the mountain sky at night and the smell of the campfire. One particular memory stands out. My dad was a gruff, unaffectionate man, but one night I woke up unexpectedly. I peeked out of the tent and saw my father sitting alone at the campfire. Half afraid of my father, I gathered my courage and slithered out of the sleeping bag and joined him. He didn’t speak, at first. Finally, he asked me if I wanted a cup of cocoa. I nodded. Once the warm brew was in my cold hands, I looked at him differently for the first time. “Are you sad, Daddy? You look sad.” He turned his gaze to me, gave me a half smile, and said, “Not anymore, Patty, not anymore.” We had an actual conversation that night, long into the wee hours of the morning. I got to know him that night, better than I ever had before. It’s a memory I hold dear.

Do you have a hobby?

I do! I’m a league bowler. I carry a 155 average and bowl on a ladies league and a mixed league. It tickles me that I can still compete with the men.

If you could take a dream vacation, where would it be?

I’ve been fortunate to travel many places in the United States and overseas, so picking one would be hard. A dream vacation for me, (and my husband laughs at me) would be to travel to every professional baseball park in the U.S. and catch a game. I’ve been to many, but I would like to say I’ve been to them all! Funny, I know, but I love baseball, what can I say?!

Speaking of vacations, where is your favorite place, and why?

I had fun in Paris, France, and Germany. I’ve done Mexico, and many places in Canada. I’ve done New York City, too. I love the Broadway shows, but I think my favorite vacation was in Niagra Falls with my husband. He is an outdoorsman and we really enjoyed the beauty there. Something we both related, too.

What is your favorite food and dessert?

Growing up in Seattle, of course, seafood. More particularly, grilled salmon steak. I love, love, love it. Anytime I get a chance, that’s what I order. I cook it when available, as well!

Dessert? I’m not a big sweets eater, but I really, really enjoy Blue Bell’s banana split ice cream!

If someone sent you an expensive bouquet of flowers, what flowers would you want it to include?

Roses, roses, roses! All colors, but plenty of red!

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Five years, huh? Well, I would like to have several more books out. I also hope my husband is retired by then, and we can start on that baseball park odyssey!

Thank you for taking the time to let us get to know you better.

Thanks for having me, Cyndi! It was fun!


To visit Patty’s website or buy her books, use these links:

 An Unlikely Arrangement –
 An Unlikely Beginning –
 An Unlikely Conclusion –







A Plain Wish – The back story (1)

Kristi Becker’s life in Indianapolis kept her busy. At fifteen, her huge birthday party with twelve friends, mostly the cheer leading squad, delighted her. Her dad and mom stayed out of the family room when the slumber party started. Her Amish friend, Betty, came to her mind when the girls told scary stories under a tent made of blankets propped up on the backs of the dining room chairs. Not liking frightful stories, she changed the subject.

“I got a letter and a pretty handmade card from my friend Betty in Pennsylvania.”

“That Amish girl you’re always writing to forever?” Melody asked, looking upwards.

“Yeah, you’re just jealous. Want to see the card?”

“Okay.”  The others nodded.

They passed the lovely card around, commenting on the ink work of flowers and butterflies.

“How’d you meet someone all the way in Lancaster?” Amanda Scott handed the card to the next girl.

“When I was six, in second grade, my teacher visited Amish land and stayed at a bread and breakfast place. She -”

“Bed and Breakfast,” Melody interrupted, rolling her eyes.

“Whatever. She met the school teacher, and they thought it’d be a good idea for the students to get to know each other. So we all got the name and address of someone to be a pen pal with. Cool beans, huh?”

Several of the girls nodded and smiled. Melody said, “What good is it to write someone you’ll never meet?”

“Oh, no. I’ll meet her someday. I guess you could call it a plain wish.


In the other room, where she could not hear them, her parents discussed the best time to tell Kristi they’d decided to get a divorce. Her father already bought a house in Batesville,Indiana and only stayed the last two weeks to not spoil her birthday.

Kristi’s life approached a crossroad she could never have anticipated. After midnight, as her friends fell asleep one at a time, she thought her life would always be the same. She thought wrong.

The catalyst for decisions her young heart couldn’t comprehend launched and changed her life forever.

A PLAIN WISH will be available from Dancing With Bears Publishing Company in early Spring of 2014. This is book one of the Plain trilogy. Follow Kristi through her wish, an adventure, and finally, which world she’ll choose in the name of love.

Cyndi Lord, Author


To dream, to write, to share with others the gifts the Lord has provided. 

As a Private Investigator and Research Paralegal for almost three decades, Cyndi Lord has experienced the best and worst life has to offer. She has a masters degree in criminal justice along with an undergrad degree in Paralegal Studies. Pounding the pavement, chasing the bad guys and assisting justice in playing her hand became a way of life for twenty- five years. In 2005, she folded up the business and moved to the prairie lands of North East Texas to begin working independently from her home office.

Enjoying a writing career since the mid-eighties, Cyndi is currently using her past experience to produce articles and novels filled with suspense and intrigue. As a graduate of Longridge Writing Academy, she’s learned the tools of the trade.

In 2013 she was honored to become a prize winning author for her short story about racism and conflicts in Watts during the riots.

Her love of the Lord and the Amish community took her away from her brand of Murder Mysteries into a delightful story that follows a sixteen year old girl, Kristi Becker, as she leaves her modern life and heads to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Culture shock is the initial response as Kristi learns to live without electricity. Will she find the love and acceptance she craves among the family who know she’s an outsider?

A PLAIN WISH will be available in early Spring of 2014. This is book one of the Plain trilogy. Follow Kristi through her wish, an adventure, and finally, which world she’ll choose in the name of love.